While we were in Cowley/Lovell, Jenna had her 11th birthday! We got to celebrate with my side and Joel's side of the family, but not at the same time. It was kind of a busy week for the Robertsons. :) At Grandma K's house Jenna helped make "dirt"; pudding with crushed oreos and gummy worms. She got to blow out candled and open presents. Can you believe she's already 11!?
We celebrated with Robertsons the Saturday after the wedding, so instead of birthday cake Jenna got to blow out candles in leftover wedding sheet cake. It was delicious, though! She got to open more presents, and I think she had a good time. We kind of had to do her birthday in bits and pieces this year, but she was very understanding and didn't ever get upset about it. She's growing up. :)