All of Joel's siblings were in town for the weekend (Joel and Daniel are the only ones that live out of town, so I guess I could just say that Daniel was able to come, too). Saturday night we went bowling, and I beat Joel! Although, everyone else beat me, but at least I beat someone! I'm really terrible at bowling and I have an all-time low score of 17 that I got in high school. I did a little better this time around with 96; I'll take that. :)
On Sunday we were able to listen to Dane speak in church. He spoke about the Book of Mormon and did a great job. It was wonderful to get to listen to him bare his testimony.
Sunday evening we went to dinner up at Grandma and Grandpa Asay's. It was Grandma Asay's birthday as well as Joel's Aunt Meredith's birthday, AS WELL AS our nephew, Gavin's, birthday. A big day. :) We were able to get Joel's Uncle Paul to tell a few of his stories and let us video tape them. If you ever run in to Paul Asay, try to get him to tell you the chicken story, it's hilarious!
Monday was spent doing a lot of hanging around and packing. No one knew quite what to get done, but everything did get done eventually. Monday evening Dane got set apart as a missionary. I was so happy I got to be there, and of course I cried like a baby, for a lot of reasons.
Dane's flight was scheduled to leave Cody at 6:30 Tuesday morning. Brenda, Dane, and Erin got up early to get Dane checked in and everything. I guess there was some complications with finding him in the computer, etc. but they worked everything out. Joel and I (and the kids) and Devin and his family were planning to be at the airport at 6:00. As Joel and I were leaving Lovell, Joel remembered that we needed gas or we wouldn't be able to make it there. So we had to stop and get gas. Joel didn't speed too much on the way, but we were hurrying as fast as we could to get there in plenty of time. Unfortunately, the airport people made Dane go through security about 2 minutes before we got there, so we didn't get to give him any last hugs or talk to him. We could see him through a plexiglass window, and that was better than nothing. We were all SO sad to not be able to spend a few last minutes with him. Here is a picture of Dane as we got to see him.
(Darcy, I hope you don't mind that I used this picture, I stole it from your blog)
We stayed to watch the plane take off. Jenna was crying a lot, as were the rest of us. I think she was crying for two main reason. One, of course, she loves her Uncle Dane and was going to miss him a lot. She understands that two years is a long time for him to be gone. Also, she's a very sensitive girl, and she's always had a hard time seeing other people cry; it makes her sad.
We were all sad to see Dane leave, but we are also so excited for this time in his life. He is in the Sao Paulo South Mission, in Brazil. He was able to call from Salt Lake and Dallas, his stops before leaving the country. He sounded pretty down in Salt Lake, but much more positive and happy in Dallas. Dane's girlfriend, Darcy, has started a blog about Dane's mission. To check it out, click here:
While in Lovell I was also able to spend a little time with my Mom and her husband Bill, who just got back from AZ. We didn't get to see them nearly enough, but we look forward to more trips up North. They are also coming down for Joel's graduation in just a week and a half, so we'll get to see them soon!