Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Goings On

I feel like I've been meaning to blog for many days now and just haven't gotten around to it. No big surprise there... :) We've had some exciting things going on and some not so exciting things.

First of all, Joel went in for an interview for a job here at IMH (Ivinson Memorial Hospital) a few weeks ago. The interview went well. The person interviewing Joel already knew him and has worked with him, so she basically already knew that she wanted to hire him. That's nice! The following morning we got the "official" job offer over the phone, and of course Joel accepted! Earlier this week he went in to meet with Human Resources to fill out paperwork, get his ID, fun stuff like that. He will start working at the beginning of June. We are excited to be able to stay in Laramie for one more year. This summer/fall Joel will apply for PA programs across the country. If all goes according to plan, he will begin PA school in the fall of 2010.

Some news that is not as exciting is that Joel has to have some oral surgery in just a couple of days. He broke a tooth a few months ago, but fortunately it wasn't causing him any pain at all. So he was going to wait to get it fixed until he started working and has dental insurance. Well, a few weeks ago his tooth started to ache and cause him quite a bit of pain. After seeing a dentist he found out that he has an impacted wisdom tooth that is pushing on the molar. The wisdom tooth likely weakened the molar, causing it to break. On Friday we are going down to Fort Collins to have the wisdom tooth removed, and he will then have to go back to the dentist for a root canal and a crown. Ick! We aren't looking forward to the work that has to be done (and the bills to pay for it:), but mostly we just want to get that durn tooth fixed! The pain comes and goes, but when it comes it is bad! He is able to fight it off a bit with ibuprofen, tylenol, aspirin, and ambesol, but even those are not getting the job done. We will be happy to have the work done and hopefully have a pain-free Joel.

Those are the main things going on here. The other night we had friends over for dinner, and Adam ended up with a "Hitler" chocolate mustache. It was even cuter/funnier in person :)

I just had to include this pictures because I love Maggie's face!!!


Brenda said...

Thanks for the update! I love reading about what is going on. Well, I just love you guys!

Jill Asay said...

That's great news. I don't know if I missed it or not, but what will Joel be doing at his job?

Sarah B. said...

YAY Joel! And I love that picture!!