Wednesday, March 4, 2015


The day after Valentine's day, a Sunday morning, the boys were taking a shower when we heard some terrible screams. Turns out Adam had pushed Will in the extremely slippery tub, and Will hit his face on the side of the tub. Ouch! By the time I got to the scene, the bottom of the tub was full of bloody water. It was quite a site. After Joel cleaned him up a bit (and I ran Adam into our shower so he could rinse the soap off his head), we could see the blood wasn't only coming from his nose, but from his forehead as well. Joel decided he needed some stitches, so he ran him up to the clinic and put three stitches in the cut. (It's so  nice that he can do that!)

We were also worried that his nose was broken, and we planned to take him in the next day for x-rays. However, the next day it didn't seem to be broken, so we skipped the x-ray. As you can imagine, Will screamed pretty loud and long when it happened, and the tears did flow for awhile. By the time he got to the clinic, Joel said he was mostly just asking questions about what Joel was going to do. He was a champ for the stitches, and Joel numbed it enough that Will didn't really complain about it for the rest of the day.

Another nice thing is that Joel was able to take the stitches out at home. It looks like Will might have a small scar from it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it fades completely away over the next few years.

I do believe that these are the first stitches any of our children have had. Surprising, yes! There were probably a few times that stitches could have been helpful, but we didn't go get them. Congrats on having that first, Will. :)

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