Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Changing Rooms

We made a few small changes in our house over the weekend. I decided that Will and Jenna were a little too old to be sharing a room, and that Adam was old enough to share, so it was time to have Will and Adam bunk together in a room. :)

On Saturday we moved Jenna into Adam's old room and Adam into Jenna's old spot. It was a pretty quick move, although we had to take apart Adam's crib as well as Jenna's bed frame because they couldn't fit through the door frames and hallway. But that wasn't too much work, and soon we had things switched around. Thankfully, Adam and Jenna have the same type of dresser so all we had to do was switch the drawers out.

On Sunday I noticed Jenna was writing something, so I asked her what she was doing. "Making a sign for my door," she tells me. I thought maybe she would say something like "Please Knock" or something, but of course her sign says this...

I loved that she added the "But Dad." as an afterthought. Too cute!

But of course since Jenna had a sign on her door, Will decided he needed a sign as well. So this morning I helped him make his sign (I only told him how to spell the words, he wrote it and cut it out himself).
I'm so glad that I am able to go in all of my children's rooms! Ha Ha!


Masaya416 said...

Those are AWESOME!!!! Oh my gosh, gave me a great big smile :D Your kids are just TOO cute! Can't wait for y'all to get here for the weekend!

Brenda said...

That is funny!

Sarah B. said...


Michelle Croft said...

Too cute. How do they learn so early that the opposite gender has cooties, except for their parents? Love those kids of yours. If you're heading to Lovell this weekend, we'll be at Porcupine if you feel like heading up the mountain.

Brooke said...

Sarah, that is precious! I love the posters for the door. I should have made one of those when I was a kid!

Sarah said...

Hey, I just found your blog! I already knew this, but your kids are so bright! They were some of the only ones I ever enjoyed at work - I'm glad I found your blog so I can keep seeing them.