Sunday, August 3, 2014

Astronomy Camp

At the end of June/beginning of July Jenna got to go to Astronomy camp. She went last summer, as well, and was really excited to go again! They had family night one night, so I took the boys over. The plan was to go star-gaze with them and they could show us what they'd learned. As you can see in the picture of Jenna, the skies were not cooperating. We headed North of Rock Springs anyway, the kids set up the telescopes, and we waited to see if the clouds would clear when it got dark. Unfortunately the clouds didn't clear, and instead a big wind storm came upon us. They packed it up pretty quickly, and family night was a bit of a bust. But it was fun to see where and what they'd been doing, even if we didn't get to actually look at the stars.

Jenna decided to point one of the telescopes at me. I wonder how I looked in it? :)

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