Friday, August 14, 2015

Arizona for a baptism

In June the kids and I headed South to Phoenix for my nephew's baptism. Joel had to work, but I was able to stop in Orem to pick up Adrienne who rode down with us. It was great to be able to chat with her on the long drive to Phoenix! It made it go so much quicker!

Of course I was terrible about taking pictures while we were there, so I only have a few. We had a great time! The day after we got there Mary and I took all our kids to the summer movie. There sure were a lot of them all lined up!

We spent a day at Laura's, and a day at Rachel's. We went swimming one morning at Mary's friends house. We helped make and taste many lemon tarts for a wedding Laura was working on. We had a few sisters nights that were not long enough. I do miss sisters night! The kids were pretty enchanted with the Blau's chickens. Unfortunately, there was one less chicken when we left than when we got there. Sad face.

James was baptized Sunday evening with dinner afterwards. It was wonderful, of course, and we were happy we could be there for it.

 At the movie.

 Grandma K told "bedtime stories" one evening.

 I'm not sure what Porter and Audrey are helping Grandmpa K with, but I'm sure they were super helpful.
 Audrey and Isaac were just watching a show on the bed. Cousins.

 At Rachel's house Audrey kept saying "I need to go to the bathroom", then she would back herself onto this little toy house. Turns out there was a tiny toilet in there that she was "using". It was hilarious!
The kids were playing hide and seek at Rachel's, and I had to take a picture of Adam in his hiding place! The funny thing was, the kids were running around so quickly they actually passed him a few times before finding him.

 Grandma and Grandpa with all of the grandkids after the baptism.

 All of Mary's side of the family that came to the baptism.

1 comment:

Emily Asay said...

Sarah you look just fabulous! And Audrey going potty is the funniest thing I've seen all day