Thursday, April 8, 2010

A few more pics

Adam is holding the remote, which had a speaker in it. He really liked to hear his movies.
This was not long after we got home on Tuesday.

Jenna, Will, and Grandma made signs for Adam.

Adam is doing well, although he's being a little more cautious and hesitant in his movement. I think the high of being home is wearing off and the pain is winning out a little. We are going back down to Denver tomorrow for a dressing change; wish us luck, Adam doesn't get morphine this time.


Teri said...

I am so sorry that this happened to little Adam. It breaks my heart to even think about how painful that had to be...and you had to witness it.
It is wonderful that it wasn't more serious and he is healing so quickly.
It was crazy when I found out because my mom, sister, and I were talking about how easy and quickly something can happen to your child when Brenda called.
I hope things continue to get better.

Kylee said...

I can't believe you had time to post all that, but I'm glad you did. We weren't a hundred percent of everything down here. I'm so so sad and sorry that everyone (esp Adam)had to go thru this. I'm very glad he seems to be okay and that he's home now--as is everyone. I love you guys so much and please keep us posted.